What is glutathione and what is its role?
Glutathione has been referred to as the “mother of all antioxidants.” When we are exposed to toxins, glutathione is used up faster than it can be produced. Antioxidants repair and prevent the damage and inflammation that is caused by toxins. Glutathione is a combination of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine.
Glutathione is produced naturally in the body and functions as a potent antioxidant attaching and removing free radicals. Glutathione depletion inside a cell causes the cell not to function properly. Glutathione protects healthy cells found in various organs of the body. There are many illnesses and conditions that are thought to be linked or associated with glutathione deficiency including Parkinson’s disease, acne, ageing, ALS, Alzheimer’s, weak immune function and more.
Although the human body naturally produces glutathione, factors such as age and poor diet can cause the levels of this essential antioxidant to decrease.
If your glutathione levels are low, you may experience the following symptoms:
Difficulty concentrating
Painful joints
The most effective way to enhance your glutathione levels is glutathione IV therapy.
Here are some of its major benefits:
Improving immune function and helping fight disease
Glutathione helps your immune system stay strong and protect your body against microbial, viral, and parasitic infections. By regulating the behaviour of white blood cells, it can reverse the suppression of the immune system caused by chronic infections such as mononucleosis, hepatitis, herpes, and Lyme disease.
Reducing inflammation
Glutathione plays an important role in fighting chronic inflammations. All chronic illnesses, like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, are accompanied by high levels of inflammation. Injuries and allergies can also provoke an inflammatory response. But due to environmental toxins, poor diet, and stress, inflammations don’t always subside. As a result, you suffer from chronic inflammations.
By influencing immune system cells, glutathione can control and regulate inflammation levels. Having optimal glutathione levels is of paramount importance for reducing chronic inflammations and restoring normal immune function.
Detoxifying and fighting oxidative stress
Although free radicals are a normal by product of cellular oxidation, they can become harmful when they accumulate faster than your body can process them. Having more free radicals than antioxidants can cause an imbalance known as oxidative stress. Low levels of glutathione have been shown to lead to oxidative stress.
Illness, medication, and exposure to environmental pollutants are among the contributing factors to the increased production of free radicals. They can cause DNA damage and impair cellular function, causing diseases and even killing the cells. Because glutathione binds to free radicals, it can remove them from your body and stop potential damage that leads to premature ageing and illness.
Improving the quality of sleep
Research has shown a clear link between high levels of glutathione and better sleep. Glutathione is essential for helping the body detoxify while sleeping. And with improved quality of sleep, your body is able to produce more glutathione, which in it turn enables improved sleep and detoxification.
Promoting high energy
Energy production takes place within the part of the cells called mitochondria. If mitochondria are damaged, they slow down and make less energy, leading to decreased bodily function and efficiency. Glutathione protects mitochondria from free radicals and the oxidative damage they cause and is, therefore, essential for energy production in the body.
Promoting mental clarity
High levels of glutathione have been linked to greater mental clarity and focus. Conversely, insufficient levels of this antioxidant can impact the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
Providing anti-ageing properties
The accumulation of free radicals over the years can accelerate the ageing process. A greater concentration of free radicals may lead to cell damage, which causes the appearance of wrinkles, dull skin, and lower energy levels associated with ageing.
By getting rid of free radicals before they can build up and cause more damage, glutathione can slow the ageing process and help you keep your youthful appearance longer.
Keeping your body from becoming resistant to drugs
Glutathione has an important role in the prevention of drug toxicity. It has also been proven crucial in the body’s drug resistance, in particular resistance against anticancer drugs.
Helping your body eliminate toxins and break down fat
Glutathione is produced and stored in the liver, which is responsible for filtering the blood in order to neutralize toxins, free radicals, drugs, and other harmful substances. Sufficient glutathione levels are essential for eliminating toxins from the body.
In addition, when your body produces too much fat or doesn't metabolize it fast enough, the excess is stored in liver cells. Glutathione helps break down fat in the liver. If your glutathione levels are low, your liver won’t be able to function properly. This can lead to more fat being stored in your body and cause fatty liver disease.
But among all its benefits, glutathione is perhaps best known for its ability to help lighten the skin.